Migrate WooCommerce Orders to Shopify using Woo Import

Migrate WooCommerce Orders to Shopify using Woo Import

Written by Ablestar

After lots of work and gracious beta-testers we’re pleased to announce that you can now migrate WooCommerce orders to Shopify with our Woo Import app!

How start migrating WooCommerce Orders

Once you finish importing your products the app will send you to a page where you can manage your migration:

Manage your WooCommerce import and migrate your orders

This page has the option to re-import products and import customer and orders. After accepting the charge for the order import you can re-run it multiple times for free. This is ideal for making sure you’ve migrated the final orders before you make the switch to Shopify.

We’re also working on adding additional features to this page to help store owners and consultants manage their migrations more easily. If you have any suggestions on things to add please let us know.

Some thanks is due..

Finally we’d like to thanks all the Shopify users who worked with us and help test out the order import. This was super-helpful and helped us identify some odd behaviors in WooCommerce. Thank you!

Don’t have the Woo Import app yet? Start migrating to Shopify today.

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